Boom Library Medieval Life Bundle
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- Boom Library Medieval Life Designed [2 DVD]
- Boom Library Medieval Life Construction Kits [5 DVD]
Ever struggled to find unobtrusive sounds without any traffic noise to create historic backgrounds? Well we did, so we decided to create a library to address that.
Designing the sound for a scene which is set in the medieval times can become a very long-lasting process. Well, due to the lack of smartphones, TV or even a well-written book, the people back then didn’t sit in their houses the whole day long making no noise at all. Instead they went out on the streets, to the market, they camped, they worked, they drank, the chattered, they yelled, they farmed, they were very noisy or at least busy in a very diverse way. We sound designers should keep that in mind when designing a convincing medieval scene that covers that multi-facetted background ambience.
That’s what we thought so went out to some of the most authentic medieval heritage sites in Germany, recorded tons of sounds and we’re happy to present to you just the perfect tool kit for all kinds of medieval background soundscapes you’ll have to deal with in the future: MEDIVEAL LIFE – your go-to collection of medieval sound effects featuring hundreds of different sound sources from the medieval times within the MEDIEVAL LIFE – CONSTRUCTION KIT and a great collection of completely pre-designed and ready-to-use medieval places within the MEDIEVAL LIFE – DESIGNED edition. The MEDIEVAL LIFE - BUNDLE contains both and it saves you money.
Tech Specs
- 500+ files, 43+GB sounds | 96kHz/24bit, WAV
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Этот товар был выпущен 08.11.2017. Пожалуйста, проверьте совместимость с Вашим оборудованием и операционной системой.
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