CineSamples Session Drummer Series [DVD]
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CineSamples Session Drummer Series [DVD] [WAV / AIFF/ REX2 / Kontakt]
The session drummer series was created in order to provide a quick and effective method to add realistic percussion grooves to your track. The intent will be to cover grooves which are either very hard to technically synthestrate (ex. a stirring brush pattern) or those which can sound “square” when crafted via midi or midi loops.
About Library
Each volume will be contain a series of loops and a Kontakt “kit” patch. The patch itself is a faithful representation of the sound of the loops, having each ingredient carefully sampled with 8x round robin and multiple velocity layers. Seamlessly interchanging the kit with the loops the composer can provide exactly the track which suits them.
The loops provide a realistic variation to different patterns a percussionist might lay down at a session. They don’t go off on tandems, nor do they reach outside the realm of the title of the volume. They are specifically made to serve the library by playing a variation in the style described.
- Volume 1 – Medium Tempo Swing Sticks (116 BPM)
- Volume 2 – Ballad Brushes (58 BPM)
- Volume 3 – Medium Tempo Swing Brushes (116 BPM )
Vol 1: Medium Swing Sticks
920.4 MB unzipped; 681.78 MB zipped
This library features 136 medium swing style loops recorded at 116 BPM. About half of the loops are 4-8 bar are drag and drop, fully orchestrated “time” feels. The time variations cover commonly used patterns like swing feel on the ride, hi hat, toms, and snare. The remaining loops serve specific functions like fills, solos etc….
The playing to designed be commercially accessible – tailored towards multi media composers. No crazy show off patterns, just realistic “in the pocket” supporting grooves. The same as you would get from hiring an experienced studio player. The loops come as pure wav files (48k/24bit), rex2 files, and apple loops. The Kontakt patch requires version 2.2.4+ of the software to run.
Tim Starnes (mixer for HWW and DOW) has made the mix very malleable. A classic sound with nothing sticking out. Not overly compressed nor especially dark or bright. It is ready to be treated as needed by your own track.
Vol 2: Ballad Brushes
477.8 MB unzipped; 290.70 MB zipped
This library contains 160 bars (20 loops/11 minutes) of stirring loops recorded at the delightful ballad tempo of 58 BPM. Except for the double time loop (4 bars) and the blues loop (12 bars) each loop is 8 bars long. This makes laying down the drum track a simple, yet perfectly realistic sounding, task. The variations between the loops create some tender and subtle accompanying soundscapes which are perfect for music of this type. The tempo of 58 is exactly half of Volume 1′s (Medium Swing Sticks) tempo and Volume 3′s (Medium Swing Brushes) tempo allowing seamless transitions to double time and half time respectively – plus the kit/mix for all three is the same.
Loop 01 is the bread and butter loop, that familiar late night stirring pattern on the snare with no other elements playing. However when you sexy blonde vocalist enters at bar 9 you might wish to switch to loop 10 which has the snare occasionally implying eighth note swing feel and keeping time with the hi hat pedal on 2/4. It really is as simple as dragging and dropping to find what you need.
The Kontakt Kit (requiring 2.2.4+) contains all the brushed elements used in making the loops, we also added some brush handle effects on the ride cymbal. It is recorded in 8x rr. There is also an option to create your own stirring loop using just the kit (see this video tutorial). Due to the lack of sonic information the Rex 2 loops weren’t able to hold a groove so this library comes as Apple Loops and Wav Files only. The apple loops are programmed at 116 BPM in order to bypass a tempo issue with the apple loops engine.
Vol 3: Medium Swing Brushes
831.4 MB unzipped; 711.7 MB zipped
This library contains 144 loops recorded at the tempo of 116 BPM. At this tempo the brushes offer a subtle and uplifting vibe to the track – not so rigid as the sticks. You will hear this style of brushing used in a wide variety of music stretching from jazz to country (train style) . Master drummers use the brushes effectively by keeping light eighth note time and sometimes switching to full out “ding-ring- a-ling” on the ride cymbal on the sticks when the energy needs to come up. “Miles Davis – All Of You” You will find this easy to accomplish if you have volume one of this series “Medium Swing Sticks”. But the brushes are not just limited to jazz they can really serve a very wide variety of music.
The Kontakt Kit (requiring 2.2.4+) once again includes all the elements used to make the loops.
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Этот товар был выпущен 17.09.2015. Пожалуйста, проверьте совместимость с Вашим оборудованием и операционной системой.
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