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Interactive Rave Machine

120 ₽
Interactive Rave Machine
Masterbits Interactive Rave Machine [WAV format]

Hundreds of loops were produced here in only one tempo and only one key, to save you the tedious search for matching elements from different Libraries. Among them 104 poly rave lines & gated chords, 88 sequencer lines & arpeggios, 64 bass lines & 116 drum loops in different variations and 56 Vocal hook lines.

Plus over 100 selected Rave and Tekkno single samples. In the special part "Let's go East" samples of the ex-DDR TR Clones "Vernona DRM" (VEB Harmoniawerke) and (instead of the NASA Samples) new "Russia in Space".

"... in the area of Rave really very useful. The sound is right and there is enough selection and variety. Verdict: Really good." AME-Journal about the Audio Version

"... additional food for the Raver, that didn't get enough out of Vol. 5 of this series. Even more Drum and Basslines, Vocal Hooks and such, cleanly produced, not bad in its selection either." PC & Musik

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Этот товар был выпущен 21.05.2009. Пожалуйста, проверьте совместимость с Вашим оборудованием и операционной системой.

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