Successful Music Marketing and Branding for Artists Bands
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Succesful Music marketing and branding insights that i use to grow a fanbase and enjoy a successful music career online.
Do you want to take your music career to the next level or get started and sell your music online?
Or perhaps you're already and established artist or musician and want to learn more about various aspects of a music career.
For the first time in history, we are living in a golden era, where musicians can successfully enjoy a career in music without necessarily being signed to a major record label. This is the perfect course to advance your music career further. While it's not a get rich quick scheme and requires a lot of work on your end, applying this principles can get you started getting more fans, gaining more popularity in your niche, and perhaps even increasing your revenue from music.
I'll show you the steps i've taken so far to build a successful career in music, without even touring or signing my music to a major record label.
What makes me qualified to teach you?
I've sold over $350,000 worth from my music catalog and additionally make an extra $2,500 a month from internet radio royalties.
I've been blessed not just with a few billboard bestsellers in the past, but now selling my own music, i've managed to establish my music brand and continue to search for opportunities in the music business.
I've also worked with so many artists in the past and have learned from their successes and mistakes alike.
What you'll get
I am constantly updating and improving my courses and look forward to feedback in order to do so. I'll guide you every step of the way and you can always reach me by posting a question in the forum or even sending me a direct message.
I want to make this the best music marketing course online and hope to see more artists and bands achieve a comparable level of success!
Get ready to make money from music
You could be making thousands of dollars from selling your music online. If music is your passion, make this your gateway to success!
By showing you what i consider a successful musician, I wish to encourage you to take the next steps in your career as an artist.
Plus, you'll get access to bonus videos with some of the most frequently asked questions i've gotten over the past.
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Этот товар был выпущен 31.03.2017. Пожалуйста, проверьте совместимость с Вашим оборудованием и операционной системой.
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