Technoid Guitars [2 CD]

199 ₽
Technoid Guitars [2 CD]
Brand new from Wizoo and producer Craig Anderton, "Technoid Guitars" pushes the guitar's sonic envelope, creating a hybrid organic/electronic sound that's perfect for the 21st century world of dance music and Hip Hop. With "Technoid Guitars", electronic music guru Craig Anderton combines guitar, synths, processing, and cutting-edge music into a double-CD set that is truly groundbreaking.

Over 1.1 GB of guitar-like sounds as well as synthetic, highly processed material while retaining the guitar's organic 'vibe.' Power chords and expressive leads meet a variety of effects such as slides, squeaks, reverb oceans or vocoder chords, featuring rhythmic qualities perfectly suited to modern dance and hip-hop styles.

Formats: HALion, WAV, REX2
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Этот товар был выпущен 21.05.2009. Пожалуйста, проверьте совместимость с Вашим оборудованием и операционной системой.

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