Triple Spiral Audio Nordic 2 for Omnisphere 2 | VST Instruments | Скачать сэмплы

Triple Spiral Audio Nordic 2 for Omnisphere 2

99 ₽
Triple Spiral Audio Nordic 2 for Omnisphere 2

Nordic 2 is a new soundset for Omnisphere 2 with a dark ambient character, perfect for use in underscoring and use in film, game and library music productions and contains 100 presets and 15 multis and is created completely with custom soundsources

In the presets there is an extensive use of the modwheel, aftertouch, pitchweel and sometimes CC2 to enhance the sounds.

The soundset comes with 164 soundsources and is 700 MB in size.

Requires Omnisphere 2.6.

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Этот товар был выпущен 18.02.2020. Пожалуйста, проверьте совместимость с Вашим оборудованием и операционной системой.

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