Vengeance Avenger Expansion - Granular XP1
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Avenger got its new Granular Synthesis update, and this expansion showcases what you can do with this awesome new feature! Totally twisted Sounds, freezed Vocals, seamless moving back and forth in melody loops, stunning recreations of real instruments, endless modulated cloudy pads & athmospheres or just totally insane FX, risers and Booms - you got it all here in this expansion! Beside 136 complex new presets you also will get your Granular source library upgraded with 512 (!) new samples, perfectly crafted for being used creatively with the new Granular OSC module.
This expansion adds to your library:
- 136 Avenger Presets
- Granular Drumloops: 73
- Granular FX Shots: 101
- Granular Instr. Oneshots: 80
- Granular Athmospheres: 50
- Granular FX Loops: 46
- Granular Instr. Loops: 76
- Granular Vocals: 86
Total Granular Samples: 512
Вы можете скачать Vengeance Avenger Expansion - Granular XP1 на нашем сайте.
Этот товар был выпущен 16.09.2019. Пожалуйста, проверьте совместимость с Вашим оборудованием и операционной системой.
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