Zenhiser Psytrance For Sylenth
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Sylenth Gets A Psytrance Boost With 128 Expressive & Detailed Presets.
Time to turbocharge Sylenth synth with Zenhiser’s cutting edge collection of Psytrance presets offering a phenomenal assortment of expressive and detailed sounds dedicated to the Psy realm. Using advanced programming techniques this culmination of style, power and drive propels your Sylenth into a behemoth synth machine.
Focusing on Sylenth’s strengths “Psytrance For Sylenth” burrows deep into upfront leads, synths, arps and sequences. This exploration into the wide range of harmonics gives basslines a back seat but leaves no stone unturned in the forefront world of pulsating chords, mind altering arpeggios, psychotropic sequences and punchy stabs. Delivered in both FXB and FXP formats you can load individual presets or the whole bank for all out Psytrance warfare. We’ve also included 4 Song Starters to get your audio pumping, these high performance tracks include everything from vocals to beats with track labelling including the presets used. So if you’re looking to experiment with your sonic palette, advance Sylenth way past it’s origins and grab some inspiration then this is the Psytrance pack for you.
“Psytrance For Sylenth” is 100% royalty free with all Psytrance samples included mastered in 24-Bit Wav. All presets are only compatible with Lennar Digital’s Sylenth and we highly recommend using the latest version to ensure compatibility. All zip files associated with the preset pack are available for immediate download after purchase. If you own a copy of Sylenth and you’re a Psytrance producer then you will have no choice but to grab these sounds.
Song Starters - 04 (includes full mix, basslines, individual drums, fx, vocals, apps, chords, stabs, plucks etc) - 164
Preset Bank - FXB - 01
Preset - Arp - 55
Preset - Bass - 01
Preset - Chord - 03
Preset - Drum - 02
Preset - FX - 15
Preset - Key - 01
Preset - Lead - 03
Preset - Pluck - 07
Preset - Rev & Riser - 04
Preset - Sequence - 15
Preset - Stab - 09
Preset - Sweep - 03
Preset - Zap - 11
Total Presets - 128
Total Samples - 164
Total Midi - 0
Tempo - 138bpm - 142bpm
Unzip Size - 5.2GB
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Этот товар был выпущен 17.02.2019. Пожалуйста, проверьте совместимость с Вашим оборудованием и операционной системой.
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