SpectraLayers Pro 4.0
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Professional spectral editing.
Audio editing redefined
In SpectraLayers Pro 4, you can work with the individual sounds in an audio file fully visually.
Transpose, extract and optimize sounds in ways never imagined thanks to the unique layers concept for the frequency spectrum.
Sound design in the full sense of the word
SpectraLayers Pro transforms sound into a unique visual world of multidimensional audio data. Outstanding program design, a high performance audio engine and seamless integration with other DAWs make SpectraLayers Pro one of the world’s most revolutionary spectral editing platforms.
Audio Mastering
From small fixes to radical, project-wide transformations, use SpectraLayers Pro to repair, filter, and remix audio in ways you never thought possible.
Sound design
Isolate individual sounds in an audio file, select material by frequency, and construct new music directly on the spectral graph.
Apply bandwidth-limited noiseprints across entire files, or perform surgical cuts to remove isolated sonic events.
Forensic audio mastering
Audio extraction is a SpectraLayers Pro specialty.
Audio archivists
Make old recordings sound their best, with technology that transforms historical audio documents into detailed visual documents that can be edited directly in the spectral graph.
Divide an audio file in its individual components for powerful processing and remixing.
Вы можете скачать SpectraLayers Pro 4.0 на нашем сайте.
Этот товар был выпущен 09.05.2017. Пожалуйста, проверьте совместимость с Вашим оборудованием и операционной системой.
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